
While it is always best to resolve disputes, sometimes litigation is unavoidable. We specialize in assisting businesses and individuals in real estate, business, and equine disputes in Orange County, Los Angeles County and state and federal courts throughout California. We understand that at best litigation is expensive and annoying and at worst it can be a frightening and confusing experience. Therefore, it is important to understand the various phases and aspects of litigation.
Alternative Dispute Resolution. There are two primary forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), mediation and arbitration. Often ADR provisions are included in contracts as a method for the parties to be able to resolve a dispute without litigation. ADR can also be ordered by the court. The key to successful ADR is preparation. We work with our clients in order to obtain the best possible results in ADR.
Stages of Litigation. There are various phases of litigation. A lawsuit begins with the filing of a summons and complaint and then moves on through the discovery, pretrial and trial. During the course of litigation attorneys appear in court many times before the actual trial. These appearances can arise from contested matters such as discovery disputes, injunctions or summary judgment motions or can arise when the court wants to check on the status of a case or schedule a trial. We thoroughly understand the litigation process and this understanding has translated into an impressive record of success in litigated matters.
Appeals and Writs. Whether you are facing an adverse judgment or wish to preserve an important trial court victory it is important to have an attorney who is experienced and understands the appellate process. We offer a fresh perspective to individuals and businesses who have gone through the trial process and need appellate counsel. Often we are brought into a case at the end to ascertain whether there are grounds for appeal and to make sure the trial counsel preserves any rights the client may have to an appeal.
Administrative Matters. In a number of industries, administrative hearings are required in order to resolve issues with a government or governing body of an organization (these are very common in our equine cases). We assist clients in certain types of administrative hearings.
Small Claims Court. Not all disputes require litigation before a superior or federal court. Some cases are suitable for small claims court. While you cannot have an attorney represent you in small claims court, we can help prepare our clients for small claims court. We frequently prepare demand letter for our clients before they have to attend or file an action in small claims court. These demand letters outline the pertinent factual and legal issues involved in a particular matter. If the demand letter does not help resolve the conflict it can serve as a road map that will assist our clients in small claims court if necessary.